There are a number of significant announcements for this Sunday, that I wanted to get out as soon as possible, so I shall be sending the Propers under separate cover. Here we go:
U.S. Women’s Open – plan for delays and detours Sunday morning!
This is week / weekend of the U.S. Women’s Open golf tournament – an important even for golf lovers and for the economy of our local area, but it comes with challenges, in the form of street closures. Central Drive is closed, and so is Fairway Drive. Aiken, however, is open. Those coming from Southern Pines, Pinehurst, Aberdeen, etc., should leave early, allow plenty of time, and plan for detours and delays. Also, the State Highway Patrol has been using our parking lot (and, at my invitation, our rest facilities) all this week – but they are aware of our Sunday services, and promise to be as little interference as possible. Let’s show a warm and hospitable reception to those whose “Thin Blue Line” keeps us all safe!
FED Talk – Classical Christian Education in the Parish
(You’ve heard of “TED Talks”? We have “FED Talks”! “TED” stands for technology, entertainment and design; “FED” stands for “Food, Education, and Discussion”!)
After church at our coffee hour / fellowship meal this Sunday, June 5th, 2022, we are very pleased to welcome Fr. John Taylor Brantley – a frequent guest here, with his family, and an Anglican priest licensed to officiate (assist / supply) in our parish by Bishop Hewett – to speak with us about Classical Christian Education: what is it, what is its significance in and for our present age, and how can it benefit the parish?
Fr. Brantley is Deputy Head-Teacher at All Saints Classical Christian Academy, a Christian hybrid educational community that combines schooling at home with on-campus learning, and employs the content of a classical curriculum and the pedagogy of restful learning (Scholé) – and which has tripled in size in the three years it has been in existence, to 87 students at the end of this academic year. He is also Vicar of Holyrood Anglican Mission in Smithfield, NC, Registrar at Latimer Theological Institute, and a doctoral candidate for a Doctor of Education in Classical Christian Education. He holds an honorary doctorate from Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi Christian University for his work in the field of Christian education.
As we ponder expansion, and our future needs, goals, and mission as a parish, in the context of the world in which we find ourselves – a world increasingly indifferent or actually hostile to the Christian faith and message – Classical Christian Education, as an alternative to the frequently soulless and morally questionable content and ethos of secular public education, is a topic which is timely and may well be applicable to our plans for the future. As a model for what is possible, All Saints Christian Academy describes itself as
“… a community of Christian families that facilitates contemplative, intentional learning, with a particular emphasis on Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. As a Classical Christian School and thus applying the Christian classical tradition, we seek to develop a child’s educational experience through the lens of God’s Word and the beauty of God’s creation. We seek to bring together like-minded Christian families in a liturgical community context offering high-quality, creatively taught classes, punctuated by celebrations in learning, inspiring students to live out worship and virtuous action in community.”
We look forward to welcoming Fr. Brantley, and hearing his thoughts on this important topic! He will also be happy to answer questions, following his formal presentation. Again, this is a subject which is important to our parish’s future and prospects for growth, so everyone is encouraged to attend if at all possible. Thank you in advance for your participation!
June Vestry Meeting – Saturday, June 11th
Just a reminder that the June Vestry meeting will be this coming Saturday, June the 11th, at noon, here at the church. Unless otherwise announced, all Vestry meetings are at noon on the second Saturday of the month. All are welcome to attend and observe, and may at the discretion of the Vestry be offered a voice, but only elected members, as representatives of the Parish, have a vote.
Feasts and Holy Days:
Sunday, June 5th: Whitsunday (Pentecost) Monday, June 6th: Monday in Whitsun Week Tuesday, June 7th: Tuesday in Whitsun Week Wednesday, June 8th: Ember Wednesday in Whitsun Week (Fast) Friday, June 9th: Ember Friday in Whitsun Week (Fast) Saturday, June 10th: Ember Saturday in Whitsun Week (Fast)
Donations invited for Bibles and Hymnals
If you would like to make a donation to help defray the cost of our recently-purchased Bibles or the replacement hymnals we need to purchase (as many of our existing ones are falling apart, and/or missing pages), please see our Treasurer, Bud Saulsbury. Donations may be made to the glory of God, in honour or in memory of someone, or anonymously. Many thanks!
The Lord bless you and keep you!
Faithfully yours in Christ,
Fr. Tom Harbold